Money plays a vital role in life, and the sooner you understand it the better it is for your future. After all, college time is not just about academics but also about picking valuable life experiences along the way. Here are few money tips to consider that can serve you to stable financially: 1) Learn to make monthly budget and live with it Quite often you make plans but seldom stick to it. Monthly budget should not at all be treated as your New Year resolution that you regularly love to break. Budget gives you a crucial idea about how much money is coming in and how much is going out every month. Once you know your necessary monetary flow you will gradually find ways to live within your budget too. 2) Distinguish wants from needs One big benefit of preparing budget is that it makes you understand the difference between needs and wants and how to divide them. Only then you would save money, and spend on the items that are important in life. 3) Re...
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