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Showing posts from January, 2012

Nuclear-Fusion, Fission

Physics Assignments, Nuclear Physics Nuclear fusion It occurs when two light nuclei unite or fuse together to form a heavy nucleus. To carry out nuclear fusion, the temperature should be of the order of  10 7 K . Such a reaction is called thermal nuclear fusion reactions. In stars, where the temperature is  10 8  K , another cycle known as proton carbon cycle takes place 11H + 126C --> 137N +y 42He + 42He + 42He --> 126C 137N ---> 136C + 01e + v The process continues until  A = 56 (iron) . The elements heavier than iron can be produced by neutron absorption and subsequent β decay. 11H + 136C --> 147N +y 11H + 147N --> 158O + y 158O --> 157N + +10e + v 11H + 157N --> 126C + 42He Nuclear fusion in laboratory Lawson criterion  nτ≥ 10 14  s-cm  where n is the density of interacting particles and τ is time of confinement. The quantity nτ is called Lawson number. Lawson showed that in order to achieve energy output > ener...

Polar Curve Tracing

Math Assignment Help, Polar Curve Tracing The following steps are helpful in tracing a polar curve  r = ƒ(θ) . 1. Symmetry (i)  The curve is symmetrical about the initial line if its equation remains unchanged when  θ  is replaced by  - θ . (ii)  The curve is symmetrical about the line through the pole perpendicular to the initial line if its equation remains unchanged when  θ  is replaced by  π - θ .  (iii)  The curve is symmetrical about the pole if its equation remains unchanged when  θ  is replaced by  π + θ . 2. Pole The curves passes through the pole if  r = 0  for a value of  θ . 3. Solving the equation Solve the equation of  r  in terms of  θ  and see how  r  varies as  θ  varies. Make a table of corresponding values of  θ  and  r . Many polar equations involve periodic functions such as  sin θ ,  cos θ  etc. In such cases ...

Magnetic Field of Earth

ExpertsMind > Physics Help >> Magnetism - Magnetic Field of Earth Sir William Gilbert was the first to suggest in the year 1600 that earth itself is a huge magnet. His statement was based on the following evidence: (i) A magnet suspended from a thread and free to rotate in a horizontal plane comes to rest along ht north-south direction. On disturbing the magnet returns quickly to its north-south direction aging. This is as if a huge bar magnet is placed approximately along the axis of rotation of earth and deep in its interior. The north pole of this fictitious magnet must be towards geographic south so as to attract worth plot of the suspended magnet and vice-versa. We must add here that fictitious explain the earth’s magnetic field and its peculiarities. In reality there is no such her magnet in the interior of the earth.  (ii) When a soft iron piece is buried under the surface of earth in the north south direction, it is found to acquire the properties of a magnet...

Need of Algebra Mathematics

Algebra îs branch of mathematics concerning study of rules of operations & relations, & constructions & concepts arising from them, including terms, polynomials, equations & algebraic structures, Together with geometry, analysis, topology, combinatorics, & number theory, algebra îs one of main branches of pure mathematics, Elementary algebra, often part of curriculum în secondary education, introduces concept of variables representing numbers, Statements based on these variables are manipulated using rules of operations that apply to numbers, such as addition, This can be done for variety of reasons, including equation solving, Algebra îs much broader than elementary algebra & studies what happens when different rules of operations are used & when operations are devised for things other than numbers, Addition & multiplication can be generalized & their precise definitions lead to structures such as groups, rings & fields, studied în area of mathe...

Fiscal Measures in Macroeconomics

Macroeconomics Notes, Economics Theory for Fiscal Measures A three sector or a closed economy model is constructing by adding government sector to the two sector or simple economy model. The government influences the level of economic activities in a variety of ways through its economic activities, fiscal policy (government expenditure and taxation policies), monetary and credit policy, growth policy, industrial policy, labour policy, wage policy, employment policy, control and regulation of monopolies, export and import policies, environment policy etc. however, the closed model of the Keynesian income determination theory confines to the effects government expenditure (including transfer payments) and taxation. Thus, inclusion of the government sector into the simple economy model introduces three new variables to the model, viz, taxes (T), government expenditure (G) and transfer payments (GT). The inclusion of the government complicates the analysis by bringing in the complex syste...

What is Lemons Market offers Microeconomics Theory and Concepts, & Economics Help What is Lemons Market? The important example of market with asymmetric information is the market for lemons. In the market for lemons the buyer’s as sellers have different information about the quality of the goods being bought and sold. The words lemon is used to describe a defective or low quality product let us consider the market for used cars. We assume that the used cars are of different qualities some of them are of good quality while other is just lemons. The bad quality car (lemons) quite often breaks down and requires lot of reprise. However while the sellers of used cars fully know the quality of their used cars, the buyers are uncertain about their quality due to lack of information. Therefore the market for used cars is an important example of asymmetric information. It is important to note that though some of he used cars available for sale are of bad quality, but all sellers who used cars ...

Cell Biology Definition

What is Cell Biology? Throughout time, thoughts & ideas of life have been formed, stretching from abiogenesis & spontaneous generation to modern cell theory, Here îs overview of progression of thought that has contributed to today's cell theory, You'll relive key events în scientific history & explore profiles of influential scientists & philosophers, The Cell Theory ANAXIMANDER A member of Greeks în sixth century B,C, who resided on Ionian Islands, He îs credited with coming up with primary thoughts of evolution, His perspective was that creatures from sea were forced to come ashore, thereby evolving into land creatures, PLATO Plato did not directly aid în progress of biological thinking, His view was not experimental, but more philosophical, Many of his students went on to influence progression of biological studies în field of classification, Best Biology Assignments   are prepared at , Get solutions from online tutors., Ce...

Accounting Equation and Basics offers free accounting basics theory and assignments From large, multi-national corporation down to corner beauty salon, every business transaction will have effect on company’s financial position, The financial position of company îs measured by following items: Assets (what it owns) Liabilities (what it owes to others) Owner’s Equity (the difference between assets & liabilities) The accounting equation (or basic accounting equation) offers us simple way to understand how these three amounts relate to each other, The accounting equation for sole proprietorship is: Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity The accounting equation for corporation is: Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders’ Equity Assets are company’s resources—things company owns, Examples of assets include cash, accounts receivable, inventory, prepaid insurance, investments, land, buildings, equipment, & goodwill, From accounting equation, we see that amount of assets must equal combined amou...

How to execute MATLAB code

MATLAB Description and Key Features Developing Complex Algorithms & Applications Analyzing Data or Accessing Data Visualizing Large Data Performing the Numeric Computation Publishing Results & Deploying Many Applications MATLAB Application The MATLAB application is developed around the MATLAB language. The simplest way to execute and run the MATLAB code is to type Matlab code in the Command Window, which is one of the elements of the MATLAB Desktop. When MATLAB code is entered in the Command Window, then MATLAB can be used as interactive mathematical shell. The Sequences of commands can be saved in a text files or typically using the MATLAB Editor as a script or encapsulated into a function extending the commands available. helps students to compile and execute MATLAB code, MATLAB programming assignments and homework.

Cell Biology Scientific Discipline

Cell biology (formerly cytology, from Greek kytos, contain) îs scientific discipline that studies cells – their physiological properties, their structure,organelles they contain, interactions with their environment, their life cycle, division&death, This îs done both on microscopic & molecular level, Cell biology research encompasses both great diversity of single celled organisms like bacteria&protozoa, as well asmany specialized cells în multicellular organisms such as humans, Knowing components of cells&how cells work îs fundamental to all biological sciences, Appreciating similarities&differences between cell types îs particularly important tofields of cell&molecular biology as well as to biomedical fields such as cancer research&developmental biology, These fundamental similarities&differences provide unifying theme, sometimes allowing principles learned from studying one cell type to be extrapolated&generalized to other cell types, Therefore, ...

Accounting Principle Assignments  >>  Accounting Principle Assignment There are general rules & concepts that govern fîeld of accounting: These general rules—referred to as basîc accounting prîncîples & guîdelînes—form groundwork on whîch more detaîled: complîcated: & legalîstîc accounting rules are based: For example: Fînancîal Accountîng St&ards Board (FASB) uses basîc accounting prîncîples & guîdelînes as basîs for îr own detaîled & comprehensîve set of accounting rules. The phrase "generally accepted accounting prîncîples" (or "GAAP") consîsts of three împortant sets of rules: (1) basîc accounting prîncîples & guîdelînes: (2) detaîled rules & st&ards îssued by FASB & îts predecessor Accountîng Prîncîples Board (APB): & (3) generally accepted îndustry practîces: If company dîstrîbutes îts fînancîal statements to publîc: ît îs requîred to follow generally accepted accounting prîncîples în preparatîon of those statements: Furr: î...

Growing Trends of Online Tutoring Career Jobs

Growing Trends of Online Tutoring Career Jobs Why trends of online tutoring increasing rapidly? Do you have an idea why the working trends have changed by online education, first of all think about advantages of online tutoring listed below. Why Online Teaching Career Jobs?          Easy to work from home Earn Money by Online Latest Technology based Tutoring Experience Earn Money without Limitation Career Building Certificate Technology Standards Career Building Environment These are some of advantages but not completed, there are many additional advantages by working through online tutoring jobs. A extreme knowledge of internet is very essential today and online teaching careers make it fulfill. offers you an opportunity to work with reputed online tutoring companies for assignment help jobs and online tutoring jobs. Get instant jobs in online teaching covering all subjects, including academic subjects, managemen...

Displacement Current Physics Assignments >> Physics Assignment Help >>  Electromagnetism According to ampere’s circuital law the magnetic field b is elated to a net current I as B . dI = μiI Where I is the net currant threading the surface bounded by a closed path C. Maxwell in 1864 argued that the relation is logically inconsistent. He explained the same with the help of following observations. Consider a parallel plate capacitor having plates P and Q connected to a battery B through a tapping key k. when key k is pressed the conduction current flows through the connecting wires. The capacitor starts storing changes. As the charge on the capacitor grows the conduction current in the wires decreases. When the conduction current in the wires decreases. When the capacitor is fully charged the conducting current stops flowing in the wires. During charging of capacitor there is no conduction current between the plates of capacitor during charging let at an instant I be the conduction current ...


Hydrodynamics | Physics Assignment Help | Fluid is something that can flow therefore liquids and gases come in this category. A perfect liquid cannot be compressed and shearing stress cannot be maintained. Streamlined steady state flow by steady state or stationary flow we mean that at any place in a fluid the velocity never changes. Streamline is a curve tangent to which at any point gives the direction of fluid velocity at that point. Equation of continuity volume entering per second = volume leaving per second Or A1 v1 = A2 v2 Where A and A2 are area of cross-sections and v1 and v2 are velocities at the two ends/points of a pipe. Bernoulli’s theorem it states that the total energy is constant. KE + PE + pressure head Energy = constant 1/2 mv2 + mgh + P∆V = constant Or 1/2 pv2 + pgh + P = constant In a horizontal pipe 1/2 pv2 + P = constant Torricelli’s theorem according to this theorem velocity of efflux v efflux = √2g (H- h) Velocity of ef...

What is Payments and Receipts Accounts

Payments, Receipts Accounts | Financial Management | Finance Help 1. Meaning of Not-for-profit organizations: not for profit organizations refer to the organizations that are used for the welfare of the society and are found as charitable institutions which function without any profit motive. Their main aim is to provide service to its members and the public in general. The major sources of their income usually are subscriptions from their members, donations, grants-in-aid, income from investments. 2. Examples of Not-for-profit organizations: clubs, hospitals, schools, colleges, literary societies, trade unions, charitable institutions, religious organizations, welfare societies etc. are examples of not-for-profit organizations. 3. Financial statements (or final accounts) of not-for-profit organizations: the not-for-profit organizations are also required to prepare financial statements to provide the necessary information to members, donors and contributors as well as to the Reg...

What is Paramagnetism

Defining Paramagnetism | Chemistry Assignment Help , Some normally nonmagnetic substances are attracted by a magnetic field and studies of these “paramagnetic” substances give information about the number of unpaired electrons in the atoms, molecules, or ions of the substance. The paramagnetic effect can be introduced problem of the magnetic behavior of an electron revolving about a nucleus. A classical treatment is easily made and yields a result which can then be converted to the correct quantum mechanical result. The motion of an electron in an orbit corresponds, in this connection, to the passage of a current through a coil of wire. A current in a coil of wire of ordinary dimensions produces a coil of wire. A current in a coil of wire of ordinary dimensions produces a magnetic field perpendicular to the coil. The magnetic field so produced is equal, according to Ampere’s law, to that of a magnet with magnetic moment given by the product of the current and the cro...

Capital Market Efficiency

Capital Market Efficiency | Finance Assignment Help  | The finance theory refers to three forms of capital market efficiency: • Weak-form of efficiency • Semi-strong form of efficiency • Strong-form of efficiency. Weak form of market efficiency The security prices reflect all past information about the price movements in the weak form of efficiency. Hence the weal form of efficiency is referred to as the random walk hypothesis. An alternative method of testing the weakly efficient market hypothesis is to formulate the trading strategies using the security prices and compare their performance with the stock market performance. The capital market will be inefficient if the investor’s trading strategy could beat the market. Researchers have studied a large number of trading rules, and have concluded that it is not possible for investors to outperform the market. Semi-strong form of market efficiency In the semi-strong form of efficiency, the security p...

Competitor Analysis

Competitor Analysis The next level of analysis that a company needs to conduct is a detailed competitor analysis to understand competitors, their goals, strengths and weaknesses and reaction patterns. Firstly, an understanding of the current strengths and weaknesses of competitors can reveal threats and opportunities that merit action from a company. Secondly, it leads to an understanding of the goals and reaction patterns of competitors firms, which directly determine the outcome of a company’s strategic moves. No business strategy is by itself either a success or failure. It is the reaction and retaliation or the absence of a reaction which determines the outcome of a firm’s business strategy. Competitor analysis can be conducted using the following framework: 1. Size, growth and profitability The size of and company and growth of sales and market share provides indicators of the health of the business. The maintenance of a strong market position or the achievement of rapid...

What is Stabilization Energy

Stabilization Energy We have learnt that in octahedral field, the energies of five d-orbital split-up. Three orbitals are lowered in energy  (t 2 g)  and two orbitals are raised in energy (eg). We know that electrons always prefer to occupy an orbital of lower energy. For example, in the case of d1 system (e.g.  Ti 3+   in  [TiF 6 ] 3- ), the d-electron will prefer to occupy a  t 2 g orbital and is, therefore, stabilized by an amount equal to 0.4  Δ 0  or 4 Dq. The amount of stabilization provided by splitting of the d-orbitals into two levels is called crystal field stabilization energy. It is abbreviated as CFSE. Thus, in octahedral field for each electron entering into the  t 2 g  orbital, the crystal field stabilization is -4 Dq and for each electron entering into the eg orbital the crystal field destabilizing energy is  +6 Dq . Thus, the CFSE is calculated as the algebraic sum of -4 Dq per electron in  t 2 g  level ...