1. Proper Selection
of Workers: A scientific selection of workers is more important from safety
point of view. The attitude and aptitude of workers may bee tested through
various psychological tests and interviews at the time of selection. As far as
possible experience must be taken into consideration while selecting a
candidate for risky jobs.
2. Trading : Good training helps in reducing the accidents. If workers are imparted training
the accidents will be reduced automatically because trained workers will handle
the machinery cautiously.
3. Strict Discipline:
In order to reduce accidents strict discipline in industry is very necessary so
that the workers may concentrate his attention on the work.
4. Safety Programme:
The big units may establish a safety department in the organization which
educate the workers by developing various safety programmes and imparting
5. Safety Policy: Every industrial establishment should
formulate and implement a safety policy. On the basis of safety policy a safety
programme should also be s peat out. Such a programme should aim at reducing
the number of factors, which are likely to cause accidents and developing safe
working habits among its employees. Safety programme must have top management
support and active cooperation of worker. Safety must be an integral part of
all phases of planning supervision and control.
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