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Future of Self - Assembly

Future of self-assembly? … A multi-material 3D-printed strand that folds within a cube.

The future is here. Project Cyborg will revolutionize the way designers think through training materials to establish themselves – and adapt to their surroundings

One day within the not-too-distant future, you will be able to buy a chair from Ikea, bring it home and watch it bring together itself in front of your eyes. In this similar future world, if you are diagnosed with cancer, you might be injected with nano-robots which will track down and selectively kill the cancerous cells. You will feel nothing other than mildly feverish in the process.

Sentient chairs and cancer-fighting robots might sound such as the stuff of science fiction, but these are two extremely real projects that Carlos Olguin is working on in his role as the director of the Bio/Nano/Programmable Matter Group at software giant Autodesk. Founded as a fast Californian startup in the 1980s, the company has gone from producing AutoCAD design software for 8-bit PCs to speculating on the future of programmable lifeforms.

"We are now searching at life as a design space," says Olguin when we meet in London, in among his hectic tour of synthetic biology research outfits. "We're trying to explore beyond the inert world and look how we can apply what has been learned from the design industries back into organic life."

The vehicle to form such leaps takes the futuristic name of Project Cyborg, an initiative in which the company describes as a "cloud-based meta-platform of design tools for programming matter". In spirit, it is a fiendishly complicated piece of software – run remotely across the web from banks of supercomputers – that makes the process of modelling, simulate on and design optimisation deceptively easy, and incredibly fast.

"A modeling procedure in which would previously have taken weeks to finished, and post-PhD level ability, can now be completed within a few seconds with associate ease," says Olguin. "We're trying to de-skill the technology."

Project Cyborg's capabilities are presently being put to the test by several institutions across a range of fields, from architectural researchers at MIT to biological scientists at Harvard.

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