Overflow is an occurrence where operations on 2 numbers surpasses the maximum (or goes below the minimum) value the data type can have. typically it is thought that integral types are very great and people don't take into account the actuality that sum of two numbers can be larger than the range. But in things similar to scientific and mathematical computation, this can happen. For instance, an unhandled arithmetic overflow in the engine steering software was the most important cause of the crash of the maiden flight of the Ariane 5 rocket. The software had been measured bug-free since it had been used in many preceding flights; but those used lesser rockets which generated lesser accelerations than Ariane 5's.
So as to understand how to tackle this problem we will primarily know how numbers are stored. Regarding integers:
If the size of a data type is n bytes, it can stock up 28n different values. This is known as the data type's range. In case size of an unsigned data type is n bytes, it varies from 0 to 28n-1
In case size of a signed data type is n bytes, it varies from -28n-1 to 28n-1-1
Consequently, a short (usually 2 bytes) varies from -32768 to 32767 and an unsigned short varies from 0 to 65535
Regard as a short variable having a value of 250.
It is stored int the PC in this way (in binary format)
00000000 11111010
Complement of a number is a number by its bits toggled. It is indicated by ~
For e.g. ~250 is 11111111 00000101
Negative numbers are stored with the help of 2's complement system. Consistent with this system, -n=~n+1
-250 is stored as 11111111 00000110
10000000 00000000 (-32768) has no positive complement. Its negative is the number itself (try -n=~n+1)
11100010 01110101 will be understand writing as 57973 in case data type is unsigned as it will be read as -7563 if data type is unsigned. If you add 65536 (which is the range) to -7563, you get 57973.
Identify overflow:
Division and modulo can never produce an overflow.
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Resource article: http://www.expertsmind.net/
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